AMS SAR Portal New Features May 12th 2021
Published on May 7, 2021
What’s New
File Tags
Allows you to create and edit file tags used to categorise files included in requests. File Tags can be colour coded, have a customisable name and be either internal or external, preventing accidental sharing of files.
Request All View
Once enabled the user will be able to access requests they are only permitted to see, from a single list. This greatly improves visibility for requests across multiple areas of the platform, allowing the user to search across My Requests, Active Requests, Pool Requests & Request Archive in a single area.
Email notification sent to the user when a question they have asked has been answered
Enabling this option within your user profile, allows you to be email notified once a requestor has responded to a question you have asked.
Duplicate Request Checking
Duplicate checking allows you to check for identical values against existing requests. Check against active or all requests, configure over how many months to check and customise which columns to check against.
Customisable Email Notification Templates
Full access has now been provided to all system email notification templates, allowing greater control of information and customisation of text. Control the subject, message, signature and button text.
Response Templates Formatting
Response templates allow you to create and edit templates that can be used when sending a response to a request. These can now be formatted and allow you to use dynamic data automatically taken from the request.
Manually Delete Requests
Each request can now be manually deleted, allowing you to control any potential duplicate requests or incorrectly submitted requests.
Enforce Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Centrally
Admin/global way to enforce multi-factor authentication for your users centrally, based on their user permissions, individually or by internal and external users.
New system columns - Clock Start Date and Processed
Clock Start Date and Processed system columns have now been added and can be used in reports and shown in request lists.
Form Builder - Swap form sections around
When designing AMS SAR Portal forms, you now have the ability to drag/drop sections around, allowing greater flexibility within the form designer.
Form Builder - Dropdown list added as a new form control
Dropdown lists are now a supported form controller option when designing and building your form. All form controllers can link into internal request fields allowing you to transfer populated information on the form automatically to your request.
Copy a form to a different form container
To save time, we’ve now included the ability to copy an existing form, including it’s controls, thank you page, internal email and external email templates.
Improved Request Searching Speed
Searching through requests has been greatly improved, allowing for faster search results and improved efficiency within the platform.
Request list saved state
Enabling this option within your user profile, allows you to save the state of all request tables; such as the filter, search text, page number and sort using an encrypted cookie.
Open request in new browser tab
Enabling this option within your user profile, allows you to control if a request will be opened within your current browser tab or in a new tab for easier management.
Request Consumption Report
Quick snapshot view of how many requests have been processed and credited within the current month.
UI Improvements
Reset filter button added to request list tables, allowing you to quickly revert back to your default search filter.
New Refresh, Delete and Stop the Clock icons are now visible within the request.
User Requestor Portal – Greater visibility of alerts showing if a new message has been received or an unread question is waiting for review.
User Requestor Portal – Navigational improvements when viewing available forms.
Bug Fixes
Roll-up of minor bug fixes