AMS SAR Portal New Features July 19th 2022

Published on July 14, 2022

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AMS SAR Portal Version 1.5.2

What’s New

Interactive Dashboards

The existing pie-chart dashboards visible when a request handler has logged into the platform, have been made interactive.

SAR Portal Interactive Dashboard

Accessed via the Home menu link, data within My Requests, Active Requests & Pool Requests is now clickable and sideloads the resulting table of requests, matching the status.

It’s now possible to quickly see a list of all Stopped, Uncategorised, Breached, Red, Amber or Green requests, helping to prioritise and focus workload, further enhancing user experience.

All result-lists, like other areas of the portal, can easily be exported in a variety of different formats to help with internal KPI’s.

Request Filter Control

My Requests, Active Requests and Pool Requests areas now have the added feature of being able to filter result-lists based on whether a request is Stopped, Uncategorised, Breached, Red, Amber or Green, helping to prioritise and focus workload.

The filter options have also been colour coded to match the colours of these different statuses, enabling users to easily identify which filter has been applied.

Bug Fixes

Roll-up of minor bug fixes

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