AMS SAR Portal New Features August 15th 2022
Published on August 11, 2022
What’s New
Manual Breach Date Override
Further enhancing the management of Subject Access Requests, we have published a new date/time picker, allowing a request handler to ‘bump’ a request by extending or decreasing the breach date manually.

Due to this release, we have made a change in how breach thresholds are calculated within Request Categories. Thresholds are now calculated backwards from the breach date, allowing us to update the traffic light colours automatically, every time the breach date is changed.
In the example below for a Patient Category, you can see the Breach date has been set to 30 Days, 5 Days before breach the colour will be Red, 12 Days before it will be Amber and Green if the request has been categorised and has not yet met the other thresholds limits:

Bug Fixes
Roll-up of minor bug fixes